My girlfriend (who needs to get her website sorted) keeps nagging me to do some work that's more colourful and cheerful. So here we are. A lil doodle from my sketchbook . Although I guess technically it does still feature skulls...
I just wanted to follow up on the fish sketches I posted last week. The 'dead neon' thing was referring to one of the scribbles that I'd drawn with a little skeletal body. However, since then, the Neon that I was drawing has in fact died, due to unknown causes. I gave him the proper toilet-based send-off this morning.
A painting of my old running shoes, from my running blog. I'm pleased that I managed to keep this one quite loose and lively, as I often struggle with that.
The fighter (see previous post) has a solitary Neon Tetra to keep him company. I drew him quite a few times.
How about this for some wallpaper, eh?
Still painting still lifes at Joe's occasionally.