Monday, 28 February 2011


 Pat bought me this Kinder Surprise-style Mario egg the other day, uncovered in the corner of a shop in Chinatown. I'd like to imagine that this discovery fitted the mould of Indiana Jones or Lara Croft chancing upon a priceless artefact.

I eagerly peeled back the foil and devoured the disgusting soapy chocolate (which was probably ill-advised, as I'm almost certain it was several years out of date). Trembling with excitement, I popped open the capsule, expecting to be greeted by a beautiful Mario or Yoshi figure that had stepped straight out of a Gamecube. 

Instead, I found this:
The Shard above rooftops.


Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Bizarre Tree

Came across this tree. I genuinely had to touch it to make sure it was real.

The branches have grown into loops. I'm not sure how that can happen, but it looks pretty amazing.

Monday, 21 February 2011